Monday, May 24, 2010

80s Fancy Dress Makeup – All About Your Cheeks

When it comes to 80s makeup there was two major elements that all women had to focus on. These were the eyes and the cheeks. 80’s makeup was all about standing out and making a statement. Big and bold are the two keywords that you need to keep in mind. Vibrant colours are an essential part of your 80s makeup and these will match with the vibrant clothes that were also popular.

Blush on the cheeks was a must have 80s makeup item and it was used to accentuate the cheek bones. The heavier your blush the better you looked in the 80s. Heavy pink blusher was very popular and this was the must have colour. There wasn’t really any other colour blusher used but for more subtle looks bronzer was used. Bronzer would have been more of an office look with bright bold blusher being used for night time wear.

Colour trends for makeup in the 80’s included blues, greens, fuchsia and orange. For the cheeks though it was mainly just pink and bold. Getting your cheeks right is probably the hardest of the 80s makeup trends to carry off. 80s cheeks really did standout and they made a statement. They didn’t just accentuate your cheeks naturally as you would see today they really made a statement.

How To Apply 80’s Makeup To Your Cheeks

What you will need to do is to apply your blusher heavily from the apples of your cheeks. The easiest way to locate the apples of your cheeks is to smile and then place the blusher on the fullest part of your cheeks. You then slant the blusher up your cheek bone right the way to the outside of your eyes. Then you finish off by blending down to just under your cheekbone. Once this has been done you might need to remove any excess blush with a dry cloth. This is quite a severe look when compared to makeup of today where we are more focused on natural looking makeup.

If you are attending an 80s fancy dress party then you will want to get your make right. Your cheeks and your eyes are the two aspects that you really need to focus on. Make sure to get a good pink blush and apply it as per the directions above. Remember over contoured cheeks are an important factor for your 80s fancy dress makeup.

When looking at 80s costumes for a fancy dress party it is a good idea to keep the 80s makeup in mind. Remember big and bold is the way to go and some style icons that you might want to model include Madonna, Blondie and Cindi Lauper. Each of these 80’s style icons had a different way of wearing their makeup so be sure to check out some pictures and costume options before you decide whose makeup you want to model.